Welcome Home Veterans Military Museum
at Richard's Coffee Shop
Welcome Home Veterans Military Museum at Richard's Coffee Shop is a gathering place, support system, living military museum, gift shop, eatery, and 501c3 non-profit dedicated to honoring and advocating for America's veterans, active duty personnel and emergency services personnel. Located in Downtown Mooresville, NC, we are open to the public and welcome not just our fellow service members, but our community friends as well. Come join us for coffee, food, and camaraderie and become part of our ever-growing family!
This extraordinary locality was founded by Richard Warren, an Army combat pilot who started the shop in 1995. With his background, Richard made a point of extending the traditional veterans greeting of "Welcome Home" to every veteran who came in the shop. Volunteers and a nonprofit Board of Directors are continuing his legacy by providing a place for all to gather as well as assisting veterans and their families in many ways. Read Our Story.
All veterans that sign in with us become part of our “Book of Honor” which carries the names of over 21,000 veterans from all over the world, and recognizes the service they have given. The veterans who visit the shop also play a part in the living history through their stories and help find, procure, and institute the artifacts and memorabilia displayed in the museum.