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Welcome Home Veterans, Inc. is a 501c3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization and we fully embrace the following mission statement:
“To ensure the memory of, and support to, those who serve through Welcome Home Veterans Living Military Museum at Richard’s Coffee Shop”.  With this statement we are continuing the legacy of Richard Warren’s love and respect for all of those who have served our country. We strive to carry forward the values of Honor, Respect, Duty and Love of country that is reflected by not only by the veterans but by a large part of the American people. Richard’s is an incredible place of support, healing and camaraderie for veterans, their families and many members of the community. We have veterans of all ages and time periods from WWII to the current conflicts coming to the coffee shop, several of our veterans have even called it therapeutic.  As a non-profit run by volunteers, we do heavily rely on donations from supporters, so please consider donating (tax deductible) and volunteering to help continue assistance for our comrades and to keep our museum going strong.

Our Leadership

Current Board of Directors & Volunteers:


Chairman, Jim Kiger, US Air Force

Secretary & Marketing Director, Paige Keenan, US Coast Guard

Treasurer, Jack Wales, US Army

Board Director, John Bertelsen, US Air Force

Board Director, John Beyerle, US Air Force

Board Director, Kathleen Green, US Air Force

Board Director, Bill Hord, US Army


Advisor, Herman Bullard, US Army

Chaplain, Brad Borders, US Army

Coffee Shop Manager, Robin MacKenzie

School Tour Coordinator, Stacey Sutton

Board Member Spotlight!  Meet John Beyerle.  John served 22 years in the Armed Forces, as a pilot in the Air Force, flying missions in Vietnam and Guam, and also serving as a pilot for President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Become A Volunteer!

Come Volunteer With Welcome Home Veterans at Richards Coffee Shop!

Which days are you available?

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

Welcome Home Veterans

165 N. Main Street

Mooresville, NC 28115

(704) 663-0488

Contact Us

Open to the Public:
Monday - Saturday: 8AM to 1PM 
Every Thursday: Free Coffee for Vets

Every Saturday: Music Jam

Visit Us!

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Copyright 2024 © Welcome Home Veterans, Inc. 

Site by SMM

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